Why Computer Users Switch To Linux

Perhaps out of frustration you'd rather spend a little time to learn how to personalize your chosen Linux than hunt down one more Windows hack or Apple workaround to prevent your computer from doing things you don't want it to be doing. Maybe you just want to use your computer to get things done without advertising or interruption. Maybe you believe your computer should be doing work for you, and not the other way around. Ubuntu MATE is one version (distribution) of Linux designed to make all of that a reality! There are many other Linuxes that fill this bill as well, and the choice is yours, but Ubuntu MATE is my favorite.

Logos moving to Linux

Why Users Switch From Windows

Windows logo
In addition to common and well-founded concerns around security, I often receive questions and comments from Windows users who have, over time, become more and more dissatisfied with Microsoft's operating system. It seems that after purchasing and installing a new version of Windows or, more likely, after purchasing a new computer with the upgraded operating system preinstalled, those users are finding that they have to repurchase newer versions of the same software applications they already own, just to have them work with the upgraded version of Windows. Switching to online, cloud-based software applications might at first seem to be a practical alternative. But those applications are often less capable and at least as expensive, especially after a year or more of paying monthly subscription fees!

To add insult to injury, Windows users sometimes also have to pay for new accessories like printers and document scanners to replace perfectly functioning older models that require software that is no longer compatible with the "upgraded" version of the operating system. They are disappointed that the promise of a "free upgrade" from Windows 7, 8, or 10 to Windows 11 has, in fact, turned out to be anything but free. In fact, they tell me, it can be at least as expensive as previous Windows upgrades have been.

And what about those security concerns? Today, Microsoft provides comprehensive updates and malware protection built into Windows. Most computer manufacturers who supply Windows with their hardware seem to feel that, to provide adequate protection from infection, they must provide additional third-party anti-malware and anti-virus software.

Although it's admirable that automatic updates are provided with the operating system, Windows users report that because of Microsoft's implementation of their update system, they are frequently forced to restart the computer right in the middle of their workflow! Sometimes there are updates with multiple restarts and delays that cannot be stopped or postponed. This can leave the computer unusable for a half-hour or more! That behavior sends Windows users looking for alternatives that allow them to stay productive all day long.

Why Users Switch From macOS

Apple Command character
Switching to Apple's macOS doesn't get you off of the treadmill of spending increasing amounts of money for software and hardware upgrades. If anything, it accelerates that treadmill. Apple's direction for product design seems to trend toward ever-more expensive products that eliminate printer, monitor, keyboard, mouse, and other accessory ports. They require expensive dongles and adapters just to connect common accessories! They've also been sealing shut the computer's case on newer models, eliminating the possibility of replacing or upgrading on your own, simple things like RAM, hard drives, and broken parts. Purchasing the latest hardware from Apple results in some previously functional software suddenly becoming incompatible. This is not the first time Apple users have experienced this kind of bumpy transition that makes them wait for older, Mac-specific applications to be updated just so that they work again.

And what about those computer users who switched to the reportedly more secure macOS to avoid their security concerns with Windows? Third-party protection is also recommended for Apple's operating system and macOS also forces updates, seemingly without warning, that can sometimes be neither stopped nor postponed.

Apple's forced reboots that cause periods of lost productivity are usually less frequent than Microsoft's but when they do occur they require you to pause your work for more than a few minutes while the updates are applied and the computer restarts.

Why Users Switch From ChromeOS

ChromeOS logo
Google's ChromeOS has seen a surge in usage over the past few years as computer users look for an economical way to take classes online and work from home. As users acquire inexpensive Chromebooks, many are finding that the device's performance is sluggish as compared with more capable PC hardware. They also find that doing everything within the Chrome browser and relying on web apps and performance-reducing browser plug-ins doesn't meet their expectations. Sometimes you just need to run a dedicated application on your computer's operating system to get things done! Disappointingly, Google has discontinued support and security updates for the oldest Chromebooks and they famously kill their apps, software, and hardware offerings with little notice. As a result, users may wonder how soon they'll lose access to the software and hardware they rely on for their daily computing and need to switch to a fully-functional operating system.

Linux Works For You, Not The Other Way Around

Ubuntu MATE logo
Often, neither Microsoft nor Apple will let you upgrade that perfectly-functioning computer hardware you purchased a few years ago, even though it has almost the same specs as the newest computers available today. You are told your current hardware 'isn't capable' of running modern software or ‘isn’t compatible’ with the latest security updates. Insultingly, your Windows computer that you've been told is incapable of running the most modern and secure version of the software keeps trying to force you to upgrade to the incompatible version!

And the security concerns? Read our article on how Linux is more secure and better-supported than other operating systems. Although third-party antivirus software is available for Linux, it is most frequently used to scan for vulnerabilities in files that are being shared with or by Windows users.

By design, Linux makes it difficult for viruses, rootkits, and other malware to be installed and run without your knowledge and conscious intervention.

Most Linux distributions, Ubuntu MATE included, receive updates continuously and the updates include security patches for the Linux distribution and its installed applications, all provided on the same frequent schedule. This ensures that you have the latest protection for all of your computer's software right away. Ubuntu MATE's update system is designed to stay out of your way. You choose whether you want to have updates occur automatically or manually. Also, it is very rare that you receive an update for Ubuntu MATE or its installed applications that requires disruptive rebooting!

Users switch to Linux distributions like Ubuntu MATE from other operating systems because it is modern, full-featured, pre-configured yet flexible, with security built-in. If you haven't, why not give it a try on your hardware. You can download and try it BEFORE you install it.